
Monday, 25 April 2016


The village of Haduvalli which is also called as Hadolli is located in Bhatkal Taluk in uttar Kannada district. But it may be a quiet place today, but the village was once the hotbed of Jainism and even today, attracts tourists looking for knowledge about our rich historical past. The Padmavati Temple at Haduvalli is in the hands of a family and has twenty four statues of Thirthankaras which are carved in fine black polished stone, each over half a meter tall. The silent village which now has a population of hardly four hundred individuals has seen better times, centuries ago. Called ‘Sangitapura’ in inscriptions, it was the second capital of the Saluvas. The well maintained Padmavati Temple looks like a house from outside. Regular pujas are performed daily. There are images of Yakshi Padmavati, Jaina Saraswati and also a bronze statue of Anantanatha Teerthankara. The statues and idols here belong to the fifteenth century. For all this puja is performed daily.

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