
Saturday, 2 January 2016

Chapter 10

Elaboration - How to develop your flow of thought.



The 10 chapter ofnthe book brilliance break through deals with elaboration . The process of elaboration is explained here in this chapter. Thatis words combine to form image , then image combines to form the sentence, sentence combined to form the core ideas and this ideas is elaboration. The tool used to tie all our ideas together is grammar. Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called as elaboration. There are two types of elaboration , reason why elaboration and narrative sequence elabroation.


New learing things of this chapter

1.what is the core idea, how is it elaborated, how it si summarised and how is it transferred to write core idea are some of the important things to look before we write something.

2. Elaboration involues  three steps.

3. Each steps to made samller, all steps should be included, use of proper connector are some of the rules to be followed but usually not followed by us.

4. Focus on change in the begining of the sentence.

5. There are two ways of elaboration. Reason why and sequence elabroation.


Things that I already knew

1. Paragraphs are the collection of sentence it also has upper limit.

2.To transfer the ideasntonother both the grammar and connector are used.

3. Instruction is process of teaching some one hiw to do something.

4. Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called  elaboration.


Mistakes made when answering

1. Many grammar mistakes.

2.More number of connectors in sentence.

3. Elabroation was not possiable for some questions.


Concept that I used in blog post that I already written

Emphasis on certain thoughts can be made to stand out if  they have their own paragraph. Normally we dont use paragraph to explanation. But using paragraphs in explination will help the reader to understand the thoughts. I have made most of my blogs in paragraph to explain different concept of the thought.


Concept applied to other subjects

Instructions is the process of teaching someone how to do somthing. It consist of presenting a number of steps, one aftrr another , so that a task my be completed correctly from begging to the end. I relates this to all subjects because without instruction we cannot do any thing but all the instructions given by lectures will help us to do the things in a proper manner.

Chapter 9

How to use clarity principle.



The 9 chapter of the book brilliance break through shows what is with symbolism and suspense and how to built it into our writing. It also showed how to use clarity principle. Only when we make it clear our purpose of communication is met.


New learing things of this chapter

1.Each of the picture words had only one meaning. As they are used over the century, they picked up second , third and even more meaning.

2. Once wevsee the source of this with we can strat seeking out such pivot words too.

3.Pivot words are the special title to multiple meaning words.

4.clearity results when we restrict a pivot word to only one menaing

5. Meaning of symbolism and allergory.


Things that I already knew

1.Clarity results when we restrict pilot words to only one meaning.

2.Use of suspense with metaphor symbolism and allergory adds style to our writing.

3.different kinds oof meaning was chosen to given different effects .

4. Grammar impercetibly blinds into literature.

Chapter 8

How to write clearly



The 8 chapter of brillence break through deals how make the sentence clear understandable by others. We can make our communicatin immediately understanding by making them simple and clear. To avoid the misunderstanding in the image of our sentence  this chapter  says how to be added clarity techniques to the simplicity techniques. We can also learn how important the communication now a days and sentence without picture words is empty and connection words cannot be understood.


New learing things of this chapter

1. To build up sentence mainly include tha accurate pick up of images and to pick up relationship which we want to show others.

2. When the relationship between the sentence is easly understood by the reader then the sentence is simple.

3.To make a good and understandable sentence it is better to remove or avoide the misinterpretational words.

4. Without pictures words sentence is empty and without connection words sentence cant be understood.

5. To attract the reader the words used in the sentence should be clear.


Things that I already knew

1. Main goal of grammar is communication.

2.When there is only one possiable meaning used in sentence then picture words should be clear.

3.Every picture words has more the one meaning this is the big problem in using picture words.



Concept that I used in blog post that I already written.

Communication is an act of transmitting our own understanding to someone else. All kown blog is writtento  say what we understand about some concept or things which we have seen in life. Although the procews is to transmit the our own ideas to someone else.


Concept applied to other subjects

We can make our communication immediately understanding by making it simple and clear. Every one has to learn from every one so so many things where made in our presentation when we made for first time. When our concernd lectures wree  simple and clear  on that and said it shoukd not so much complicated.  Thus ill selets to my subjects.

Chapter 7

How to avoid monotony



The 7 chapter of  brillence break through says how to balance the simplicity. There are two ways of avoiding the monotony. Thry are 1.varation and 2. Emphasis. They both oprerate with the limit of simplicity. This chapter also deals with how ti take sentence so repated and shorten them. As they were annoying the reader and transform them into longer sentence. Its also explains how simplicity is vital that variety.


New learing things of this chapter

1.There are to way to avoid monotony.

2. We can use image as the actor , action, things  acted  upon, eesult of action.

3. The sentence can be made longer if the words used are simple and image are visual.

4. If the words are difficult and image abstract, sentence must be shorter.

5. Simplicity is always vital than varitey.

6. Variation and emphasis operates within the limit of simplicity.


Things that I already knew

1.Visibility and significance can be give to the sentence by repetitions.

2.Repetition means inoder to hold the attention of the reader, repeting the important words, imageeach time.

3.Emphasis helps to make our reader to concentrate more on certain things.

4. Emphasis allows us to shorten the sentence.


Mistakes made when answering

1. Questions in this chapter is bit confusing.

2. Many mistakes in grammar.


Concept that I used in blog post that I already written

I use the concept repetition in my already written blog because as this cahpater say that repeting the important words images will help the  reader to have concentration on the writing and it also grabs the attention of the reader. For example:  my blog is related to music I stressed more onthe facts again and again so that it can have a image in readers minds.


Concept applied to other subjects

Simplicity is always vital than varite.Using simple and easly sentence will writting any of the subjects exam abiut what we know is better then writting tge same thing in diffirent and complicated sentence  because this complicated sentence may not holds good at that stage. So using simple sentence can make the paper simple and unique. So i take this as concept related to subject.

Chapter 6

How to write simlpy



The 6 chapter of the book brilliance break through says about the simplicity in the sentence. The one of the most valuable characteristics of the communication is simplfication. If the sentences use by any person is simple then it is easly understood to by all persons who reads or listen to the words. Therefore this chapter shows how to make the complex lengthy sentence to simple which could be understood by all. Simplicity is the ratio of total number if words used and the total number connecting words used in a sentence.


New learing things of this chapter

1.Simplicity attarcts the reader to read or listen to the words.

2. Strong tie between the picture words is given by the connector.

3. Valuable characteristics of communication is simplification.

4. Dependent sentence is automatic. Natural language device shows 2 main type of relationship. Time, cause and effect


Things that I already knew

1.Simple sentence normally include more number of connectors.

2. When we write something we write more and more without our own knowledge.

3. Repetition makes the sentence simple.

4.Individuals details can be given in short sentence.


Mistakes made when answering

1.Using of lengthy and complex answer.

2. Less mistake due to answer are direct.


Concept that I used in blog post that I already written

By leaving out necessary facts difficulty arises. When i write blog ill write many thing but after that when go through that it actulla doesn't contain main thing itself. For example in my blog of indian music many important facts where left out but later i can to know and i have corrected the and also applied to my next blogs also.


Concept applied to other subjects

By leaving out necessary fact difficulty arises. I have connected it to financial accounting subject where we are in need of basic cocepts whic we have learnt in degree level but as we dont remember alla tha concept of the degree is bit difficult to understand the concept which are now thought to us. If those necessary concept where known to us it would be easy for us to understand the concept.

Chapter 5

How to choose the right length for your sentence



The 5 chapter of  book brillence break through deals with the art of short sentence. In this chapter it explains about how to make the sentence as short as possible without changing the , meaning and thought in the sentence. It also explains hiw each sentence fits into the total flow of our thought and how an awareness of this thoughts flow can enable us to adjust the lenght of our sentence to give cler ideas of our thoughts.


New learing things of this chapter

 1.To make it esaly understandable use onlt little number of word with meaning.

2.Effective, good, working sentence need only have one word.

3.By adjusting the lenght ofthe sentence we can understand thw awareness of the thiught flow.

4. The present sentence will be meaningful with the connection of the previous sentence.


Things that I already knew

1.Sentence should have some meaning.

 2.There must be some sence in the sentence.

 3.If the words are less then it attracts the reader.

 4.To make sentence short put break  and divide them to different sentence.


Mistakes made when answering

1.Using of lengthy answers.

2.No break or short sentence.


Concept that I used in blog post that I already written

Awareness of the thought flow. When blogs are written i use to write in many sentence in any topic if i get time but at the time of urgency i will rigth the same topic with the same message but using short sentence in order to save the time.


Concept applied to other subjects

Meaning of present sentence will be more meaningful with the connection of previous sentence. For example when we write the exam of any subjects especially theoretical subject the sentence must be connected to previous sentens so the  means ofthe present sentence will be understood easly.


Chapter 4

How to build understanding into every sentence you use


The 4 chapter of  brillence break through is all about what are the types of connectors which we can use after each sentenc, how to use them, what are the importance etc. The chapter gives 3 types of connectors. The three types of connectors are linking connector, condensing connector and non word connectors.  we can use tow or more of the connectors but will using in the sentence we must use atleast one such type of connector.

New learing things  of this chapter

  • It is important to give our listener as much as thought as we feel is adequte at that time.
  • We must creat an intrest in the minds of reader while they are going through our thoughts.
  • If we make any change in them it must be made known to tem in advance.
  • As connector builds link between words first sentence or word doesnot requires connectors.
  • The attention of the reader can be grabed in the first sentence of the  blog or our thoughts.

Things that i already knew

  • Normally all used to put  or write all thought in the first sentences itself.
  • But if all thoughts are said in the first sentences the reader may notunderstand the concept.
  • Normally second sentence will be connedet to the first sentence through connectors.
  •  Linking connectors is one which helps to connect the two sentence.
  • Use minimum number of words to express the thought.

Mistakes made when answering

  • Questions in this chapter is bit confusing.
  •   The connector where use more then it required.
  • Many time i used connectors which is not suppose to be includede there. 

Concept that i used in blog post that i already written

Normally all will put there Expressing thing in the first line itself. Even in my case also i do the same so after comming across this chapter i went back to may written blog so that which i have put all my thoughts in firts sentence i made them elaborate so that concept to be express can be easly accepted the readers.

Concept applied to other subjects

Irritation of repetition. When the same thing go on repeating it will irritate every one. There us certain limits to every thing if it cross the limit then it will definitely make us feel irritated.Ex: When the same advertising of the same product is repated it definitly irritates.

Chapter 3

How to build understanding into every sentences you use.


The third chapter of the brillence break through shows us how to put our picture words and connection words together to make image and images together to make a sentence. Image understand is important because human being doesn't have any tape recored understanding and they also cannot memorize the same word or sentence used by us in the context.They use to have the concept in mind by the image understanding. Image understanding means when we convey any message to people they automatically convert that word into there own image to under the concept. And when they want to convey tge same message to other they convert the images into words and say to others. Many people say the same concept but the use of the words is different to each other.

New learing things of this chapter.

  • Conveyed thought should make other to create image in ther minds.
  • The sentence conveying to other should be logically correct.
  • Open ended sentence will help us to give the complete idea of the thoughts.
  • If image is not created the human mind cannot remember more the 10 words.
  • The words used give complete picture of the words.

Things that I already knew.

  • Translating the words into image will become difficult if there is too many words in communication.
  • Invisible connectors occurs very frequently in our speaking and writing.
  • When ther is many words in sentence to convey we eliminate unwanted words from sentence.
  • The information given by us should be more the enough to create a visual by the reader.
  • When the sentence pattern is firmly established it needs no connecting words. 

Mistakes made when answering

Answering the question in the chapter is has no mistake because the answers were direct.Most of the asnswers were found in some other question .

Concept that i used in blog post that i already written.

Connectors should be used to make a sentence meaningful but use more then required will also is harmfull and may change the meaning. In most of my blog which is already written i used too many connectors which is not required at many point of time. So after reading this i have reduced as many as possible connectors in my blog so that the thought can be easly understood by other.

Concept applied to other subjects.

Each subjects contians many concepts. Without making all concept mixup with each other i use to make my mind setup with a certian image to a certain concept so that i an easly write in the exam as image can be easly remembered reather then the theory.Ex: Most of the concepts of the subject organisations behaviour i used to remember them by imagination of the concept only reather the the memorization. 

Chapter 2

How to put these two words parts together to single sentence


In the first chapter we come across the concept of two words such as picture words and connecting words. In the second chapter of the book brilliance break through is about the how this picture words and connecting words are out together  so that they give a proper meaning for the sentence and to give the clear picture of the idea which we are going to express to others. There are three steps involved to make our idea clear to other or to communicate with othes. There may be many thing to express to other so we need to first decide firstwhich is picture words and connection words and then we should put them together to make other understand the ideas easy.

New learing things of this chapter.

  • According to this chapter the grammar is all about using picture words and connection words.
  • While expressing ideas firts we need to decide which is picture words and which is connection words.
  • Clear thought of ideas can be made by putting this words in proper manner.
  • Connecting words are called as connectors.
  • This connector help to connect two or more picture words.
  • This both picture and connecting words are enough to express any kinds of ideas.
  • Earlier this connectors were not use but now this connectors are use by the people.

Things that i already knew

  • Pictures words and connection words prepare entirely different form each other.
  • Connecting words cannot have any imaginations in minds becans its doesnot contain any meaning.
  • While communicating with other there must not be any word or phrase should be use which makes confusion.
  • Pause or break in between the sentences will help other to understand the ideas easly.
  • When the thoughts is direct there is no need of using connection words.
  • But while using complex thoughts its better to use connectors.

Mistake made when answering

  • Understanding the questions is very difficult.
  • Even the thoughts is in minds expressing them in words is difficult
  • Sentence formation for the answer made for the question contains some mistakes.

Concept that i used in blog post that i already written.

Before this i had no ideas about this picture and connection words . The reading this chapter i went through the blog written by me  and firstly i made clear in may mind what is to be conveyed. Accordingly i decide which is the pictures and connection words to be use. And the i put all the words and made them to understand by others.Ex: As my blog was about music i segregated picture words and connection words and then used them to make the correct sentences and conveyed the thoughts.

Concept applied to other subjects

I realized that giving break in between the sentence is very important. If it is continues it is difficult to understand. When the sir gives lectures continuesly it is difficult to understand the the concept. If they expalined slowly and having break it us easy to understand and esay to recall.

Chapter 1

Two main parts of grammar


B         Brilliance breakthrough is a book for improvemnent of English speaking, writings skills. The brillence break throught books firts chapter deals with the grammar.  this book s that firget every thing whuch you have learts in th past school days and college days.. The grammar things such as noun pronoun, verb which is suudied in past have no sence and i will not hellp us to communicte our thought easyly. This book says that alls languages deals only two types of word that is picture words and connection wordsŸ            picture words:  picture words are those word when u hear to those words a image  will be created in our mind and we will have a visualisation of that word.Ÿ           connecting words: connecting words are those words which are used to connets picture words or which helps us to make link between to words or two sentence to give a proper meaning

New learing things of the chapter

Ÿ                The grammar things which is thought in school and college level doesnt have any sence.Ÿ        This grammar cannot help us to speak or expreess our thought easly.Ÿ       The niun , pronoun, verb will not help to express your ideas to into sentence.Ÿ         The book brilliance break through will help to understand grammar easily.Ÿ       All languge contains two words picture words and connecting words.Ÿ   Connecting word doesn't have meaning but it help to give meaning for picture words and sentence.Ÿ        Both the picture and connection word are important to make a meaningful sentence.

Things that i already knew.

       I knew that when picture word are said we will automatically have a imagination of that word.Ÿ       Imagination to the picture words differd for one person to other person.Ÿ       As connecting words don't have any meaning there will be no concept of imagination.
Ÿ       Connecting words are very important to make link between picture words.Ÿ      Picture words carries more then one type of pictures. 

Mistakes made when answering

Ÿ               Wronly answering the questions.Ÿ      Difficulty in understanding the questions.Ÿ       As the concept is learnt first time it is bit difficult to understand the concept.
Ÿ      Answering questins without relation to the questions asked about the chapter.

Concept that i used in blog post that i already written

My blog is related to the music ,Indian music , musical instruments and some other thing related to to music. After learining this chapter i changer and i used most pictures words so that when the people go through my blog  they have a clear idea about the thing which i i am going to express to them.

Concept applied to other subjects

When the sir use to give lectures in the class i have started to imagine myself the picture words used by the sir so that i can get the clear picture what the sir is tell to us. This really help me to understand the concept easly and perfectly.

Friday, 1 January 2016

My memorable day

     Days go on running yesterday today and tomorrow. But one day will be a memorable for everyone same way one day from my past days is memorable.

       My memorable days was the new year celebration with my friends. We went to a  drive whole day and at we went to a place of full greenery. At night with the fire which was converting coldness to warmness . All friends enjoying the whether singing, playing, dancing, laughing all when it was on 12 and  we cut the cake ate a piece and remaining was on every bodies face. Every movement that night was memorable. My friends are like my sweet doses. Anyways i wish my memorable day come once again.

My role model parents

     Every person in this world has some one as his role model. It may be parents , relatives, friends, well wisher, teacher, any one. In my case i would proudly say that my role model is my parents.
      From my childhood i have seen my parents have sacrificed all their luxuries for there. Children.  all parents do the same. But they are special for me .they always thought me to think good for others even to our enemies.  they are very patients in every situation which has always given good result in family.

    So i just say that they are my role model in life. Their does and don'ts will surely make my life and our coming generation lives a well discipline and happy family . I wish all get parents like mine.....

Music helps in relaxing…???

     Listening to music will help for relaxing effect on our minds and bodies. For relaxing the slow and quite classic music is good. Music are of different types and preference of various individuals are different, so it depends on each individual and there mood. Many of the doctor suggest to the professional to play music while traveling in car which helps them to reduce stress and to induce sleep. One of the researches on the music has found the following benefits to the body and mind. They are
·        Listening to music on headphone reduces stress and anxiety in hospital patients before and after surgery.
·        Music can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain.
·        Listing to music can relive depression and increase self esteem rating on elderly people.
·        Music therapy significantly reduces emotional distress and boots quality of life among adult cancer patient.

Music is also used when mediation are made the people. But all the music cannot give you peace or reduce stress. The music with no structure can irritate. But most of the times musics can be use to relax our self and release stressful thoughts.

Music play important role in films..??

      According to me Yes music play an important role in making the good and impressive films . When there is background music in the film it sets the mood for a particular scene. There are many films without music but they are artistic movies based on the real life. In the commercial world people will like to move to the commercial films which are mainly made for the purpose of entertainment so movie without music or real life artistic movies are not so attract the audience.  There are many people move to see film only for the good music even they know that the film may not be good. Music is one thing that can express the words even there is no words spoken. I think most of them have seen the film Pushpak. This film doesnt contain and express words everything is done through action but the background music played a great role to convey the message to the audience such as emotions, comedy, feeling etc. I think this can be good example through which I can say the power of music and the role that the music plays in the films.

Musical legend Raghu dixit

      Raghu dixit was born in Mysore in the year 1974. He has his own musical band. Main members of his band are Gavrav vaz, Nitesh Natraj, Karthik Iyer and himself. His band is a folk and fusion band. His band was starte in the year 2005. His music is collaboration of Indian ethic music and different style of different parts of the world.  Some of the song which is world wild hits is Mysore se aayi, Hey bhagwan , Gudugudiya etc. His debut album was released in the year 2010. His entry in to film industry as a music director is in the year 2008 by producing a great music to the Kannada film called Psyco. After this he has been music director for much film such as just math mathalli,Bewakoofiya etc.  Coming to his band they are different from other bands. His band has a unique dress code, using old songs and collaborating them to the western music which is most found the modern peoples.